Thursday, August 20, 2009


So Saturday is Ramadan, right? I'm excited! I love ramadan! And I think I'm going to be cooking, I love cooking but the thing that annoys me in cooking is when you buy the ingredients. MALA8A!! Plain torture!! I'm hoping to bake molten chocolate cake! Yumm!! So what are you going to do in Ramadan?


  1. Oh ramadan!!

    My number one is akhtem el qur2an inshallah..
    Then, try going to tarawee7 more often;p waiting for jyaam!
    Agargi3 in gergee3an:P loool!
    and eat FOOD, FOOD, FOOD...

    I simply love ramadan..

    ou imbarak 3alaich el shahar;p

  2. 63: Ee ana ba3ad inshallah! :D
    Ana magdar 3ala iljyam, a77is inni banam sta'3fir allah! Itha ana a9ali ilfayir il7ilm sha'3al ibmukhee 3ayal shlon jyam!? :P
    I got bored of girgee3an :( I never wanted this feeling to arrive! LOL!
    Me too!
    3alaina oo 3alaich :D
